ATTENDING ENTERPRISE DATA WORLDAccomplish 6 Months of Research in 5 DaysBetween the educational content, the world’s foremost experts, the market-leading vendors, and the innovative newcomers, all the information you need is in one place! Remove the Guesswork From Your Next Project By Removing ExperimentationDiscover all your options and tap into the expertise of peers and experts who’ve been there already and learned their lessons the hard way. Learn from the lessons and case studies presented by other practitioners ad avoid the trial and error that others have already been through. Validate Your Current Strategies Against Best PracticesListen to how leading developers are tackling their challenges and compare to your approach. Get confirmation of your strategy or gain valuable tips on how to improve. Find the Resources You Need for Your Next ProjectTap into the EDW Brain Trust – 120+ speakers, 40+ exhibitors and 800+ other attendees! EDW is an unparalleled gathering of expertise in one place, across a range of data management disciplines, and within arm's length for you to talk to. Transform Your Entire TeamSharing the conference experience helps to get everyone on the same page really fast. Compare notes while you're there and get agreement on key decisions while the messages are fresh in everyone's minds. Bridge the gaps between different viewpoints by attending the sessions together, or spread around the track sessions and gather as many different perspectives as you can. Jump a Step Ahead of Your Competitors!Learn what's new in large-scale data and ensure your organization is staying at the forefront. Or if you prefer to look at it this way, at least make sure you're not falling behind your competitors. Be the "Go-To" Source for Data Management Knowledge in Your OrganizationLearn more about all the new technology options so that you are a valued source of knowledge on topics such as: Big Data, cloud-based services, real-time analytics, data science, predictive modeling, Hadoop, the "R" analytics language, and the deployment of new database technologies. Build Your Professional Contacts with Hours of Peer-group Networking!Find your next customer, employee, investor, or job, from over 800 people in attendance. Future-Proof Your CareerEDW is packed with the essential new topics that are defining the future of enterprise data-driven systems. From the range of new databases to cloud-based data services, and from graphs to big data analytics, becoming familiar with these new technologies will provide you with expansive professional career options.