Enterprise Data World is recognized as the most comprehensive data management conference in the world.

 For the 18th year in a row, we present a truly exceptional experience:

 1. In-depth education for enterprises to optimize the possibilities of their data. No other conference in the world offers the same breadth AND depth of Data Management topics.

2. All instructors are experts and talk candidly about real-world challenges and tried solutions. Aquire information for your specific business needs AND the skills to put your new plans into action.

3. Multiple price options and discounts – select only the days you wish to attend AND take advantage of our early price and group discounts.

Who Is Attending EDW? 

  • Which Organizations Attend? Sample of 2013 Attendees -Take a Look!


CDMP Certification

Learn more about our Pay-Only-If-You-Pass onsite certification! CLICK HERE 

Convince Your Boss

Email your boss early and get the approval! ...what to write? Don't fret, we have a draft email for you HERE

Registration Questions?

Not 1000000% sure about Registering Now? That's ok, we have answers to your most common Registration Questions LISTED HERE 

Additional Questions? Please contact us anytime at 1-310-337-2616 Ext. 1 or email registration@dataversity.net